HU Rui (b.1990) works with video, installation, and computer simulation. His practice engages with issues related to time and temporality from a multitude of perspectives, such as causation, prediction, choice, and language. He is the recipient of the Best Experimental Animation Award at the 60th Ann Arbor Film Festival and a Jury Special Mention at the 25FPS Festival Croatia. His work has been shown in exhibitions and screenings at art spaces, institutions, festivals, and conferences, including the International Film Festival Rotterdam; UCCA Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing; IFVA at the Hong Kong Arts Centre; Times Museum, Guangzhou; Three Shadows, Xiamen; Objetifs, Singapore; Start Museum, Shanghai; Wuhan Biennale; Siggraph Asia; ISEA, among others. He received an MFA in Design Media Arts from the University of California, Los Angeles, and a BFA in Film with a minor in computer science from New York University. He is currently Assistant Professor in Computation and Design at Duke Kunshan University.
胡芮(b.1990)以影像、装置、游戏及模拟技术进行创作。他以多重视角关注与时间相关的问题,包括因果、预测、选择、语言等。曾获安娜堡电影节最佳实验动画奖、克罗地亚25FPS电影节评委特别提名奖等。作品曾展览及放映于:鹿特丹国际电影节、北京尤伦斯当代艺术中心、广东时代美术馆、厦门三影堂、新加坡Objectifs、上海星美术馆、香港艺术中心IFVA艺术节、武汉双年展、Siggraph Asia、ISEA国际电子艺术研讨会等。2017年于加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)取得设计媒体艺术系艺术硕士学位,2014年于纽约大学取得电影系艺术学士学位并辅修计算机科学。目前任教于昆山杜克大学。